Was Hörer sagen

Danke! Ich liebe dein Album… höre es mir an während ich arbeite.

— Carolina Buzio - Illustrator

I listened to the album recently and it is absolutely one of the most beautiful things I have heard in so long! I listened to it on repeat for days and added a few tracks to my playlist. What a stunning work of art! You are so talented. My favourite track is Sea. The songs are so calming and carry such peace and beauty.

— Aliyah Rainer - Dancer, photographer, traveller

Jasmin Seidl´s gorgeous work repose! Piano pieces to soothe your soul. Honestly one of my favourite records this year so far.

— Baby Alligator - Songwriter and Singer

Seit Tagen habe ich deine Melodien im Ohr. Ich lieb das Album einfach.

— Maria Herrmann - Consultant for strategic innovation

I usually listen to records while I work in my office at home. It helps me creatively during sermon preparation especially. Your music is perfect for that.

— Will White - Deep-thinker and pastor

Heute Nachmittag habe ich deine Musik beim Mini-Konzert zum ersten Mal gehört! Du machst ganz wundervolle und berührende Musik - so vielschichtig, ruhig und tief.

— Sarita Dey - Transmedial Artist

The first time I put the record on was in our new home. I had come back from a long day at work and felt very tense. Repose was filling our house with warmth. Listening to you music, I felt very calm and reassured. For that I want to thank you and let you know that it has ushered in many quiet, meditative moments for me. I am so appreciative of that. Currently, I am really enjoying your song melting. It´s beautiful.

— Rachel Casel - Band member of Shoecraft

Musikvideo für Wings

Idee, performance, film & cut by Jasmin Seidl